What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success


PBIS at Woodlands Elementary

PBIS is:

  • A positive behavior management process to make Woodlands a safe place to be a student.
  • A system of clear school-wide expectations and planned incentives
  • Interventions when students need help
  • Recognizing and celebrating all students when they are successful

What does PBIS do for you?
Students are recognized and praised for positive behaviors


  • Wildcat Tickets with monthly school wide drawings
  • Self Manager Program
  • School-wide reward incentives

 Students receive interventions to help them refocus their unsuccessful behaviors.

  • Buddy rooms for reset of behaviors

  • Teacher-student conferences
  • Parent contact
  • Parent conferences
  • Office referral

How can you earn Wildcat Tickets?

  • Being Respectful to all students and staff
  • Being Responsible and doing the right thing (even if nobody is looking)
  • Coming to school ready to be a learner and trying your hardest
  • Going above and beyond to be Safe at school and on the playground
  • Being kind to ourselves and others (playing nicely with everyone, showing good sportsmanship, encouraging classmates, etc.)

Who awards Wildcat Tickets?

All Staff including:

  • Teachers
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Para-educators
  • Office Staff
  • Cafeteria Staff
  • Custodians
  • Playground Supervisors



  • To establish successful student habits
  • So you are college and career ready
  • To increase instruction time
  • So we can teach and all students can learn  

And because we know you can do it!