There are apps available for your mobile devices that will help you reach the Woodlands Library catalog. Look for the Destiny Quest app in the
App Store or on
Google Play.
Reserving or Renewing
If you want to reserve a specific title, you'll need to log in to
Destiny. Remember that your username is the same username you use at school to access the computers and your password is most likely your student ID number. Ask your teacher, Mr. Sullivan, or Ms. Roberts for additional assistance.
If you type a search term and then click enter, you're doing a keyword search. The results will be for any field (title, notes, synopsis, author, etc.). If you are looking for Garfield books (the comics about the fat cat who loves lasagne) and you do a keyword search, the results will include items written by authors with Garfield as their last name. Sometimes a keyword search is what you want to do, but not always.

If you are looking for a specific book or item, type the main words from the title and click Title. The results will be much better than clicking the keyword search button.
Title Searching
If you're searching for a specific topic or title you need to remember searching rules. Remember to leave out the little words. A, and, & the do not need to be typed. If you are searching for A Taste of Smoke, you would type Taste of Smoke.

If you want to see other titles in a particular series, you can use the series search button. If you want to see all of the titles in Rick Riordian's Percy Jackson series, type percy jackson in the search box and click Series.
Need help? Please stop by the circulation desk and ask Ms. Amanda or Ms. Roberts for personal assistance. We're here to help you!