The mission of the library program is to ensure that students (and staff)are effective users and producers of ideas and information.
Information Power (1988, rev. 2010)
The Woodlands Library is staffed by a certificated teacher-librarian, Ms. Roberts, and a library clerk, Ms. Amanda. Our hours are daily during the school year.
We welcome adult and students volunteers in the library. Please contact us to arrange a time to come in and begin working with us.

Purchase Suggestions: please check the library catalog first and then make your suggestions using this Google form.

"Look smart; carry a book. Be smart; carry a library book."
~Marvin Scilken, librarian (1927-1999)
Book Donation Program
The Woodlands Library Book Donation Program is a wonderful way to commemorate a birthday, accomplishment, or other special milestone.
For a minimal donation of $10, your child's birthday or other special event will be noted on a full color bookplate inside a brand new hardback book. Go to our Special Book Club page for more information.