Woodlands students are confident, engaged learners who are actively involved in their own personal learning path. Students have a sense of belonging in the Woodlands community. They also know that their individual needs are being met within that community. Each students’ academic learning goals and achievement indicate growth which prepares them for their future.
Woodlands students use technology to access and share knowledge, and to create original products that demonstrate their learning and creativity. Students conduct themselves in a way that contributes to a safe and orderly atmosphere and ensures the rights of others. Students are considerate of others — teachers, staff, fellow students and visitors.

Our priority is student learning. All staff members work collaboratively to analyze data and adjust our practices to promote learning for all Woodlands students. All staff members are supportive of each other and are respectful, active listeners. Staff members cultivate strong, supportive relationships with students, parents, community members, and each other.

We are
accountable to Woodlands students, our colleagues, our community, and ourselves to improve student success. Staff members are
lifelong learners, who
strive for professional growth and excellence. We come to the table with open minds, ready to problem solve and offer solutions, while staying
supportive and positive. We work together to create a safe, professional learning environment.

The Woodlands community is welcoming to all who enter through the front doors. One specific focus is teaming with families to assist in educating all Woodlands students.

We partner with parents/guardians to help them play an active role in the education of their children. We partner with community members to make Woodlands a better place for all students. Woodlands is a school of distinction that welcomes other education professionals to observe and learn from our example.